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Media bios for Dr. Rachel A. Larimore
Dr. Rachel A. Larimore is an educator, consultant, speaker, researcher, and author. 她的工作重点是有意融入自然,通过与自然学习来支持幼儿的全面发展,扩大他们的世界,丰富生活, full lives. She has written multiple books including Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool, 超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育与自然学习, and 评价自然:测量幼儿园至三年级自然课堂的质量. Rachel is the founder and Chief Visionary of Samara Early Learning, 一个致力于帮助幼儿教育工作者开办以自然为基础的学校或将自然为基础的方法添加到他们现有的项目中的组织. Prior to founding Samara, 她花了十多年的时间创办并指导了美国首批以自然为基础的幼儿园之一.
Dr. Rachel A. 拉里莫尔是一位教育家、演说家、顾问,著有四本书,其中包括 Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool, 超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育与自然学习, and 评价自然:测量幼儿园至三年级自然课堂的质量. Her passion, expertise, 工作重点是有意融入自然,通过与自然学习,拓展世界,丰富生活,支持幼儿的全面发展, full lives.Through Samara Early Learning, 她帮助幼儿教育工作者开办以自然为基础的学校,或者在他们现有的课程中加入以自然为基础的方法.
Prior to establishing Samara Early Learning, 瑞秋在米德兰的奇佩瓦自然中心(CNC)创办了美国最早的以自然为基础的幼儿园之一, MI. 2007年创建的幼儿园是她担任教育总监15年任期的一部分. She continued as the director of the program until 2016 when, at her departure, 该项目每年通过公共和私人资金来源为140名儿童提供服务. 在CNC任职期间,她还共同主持了自然中心600万美元的资本扩张项目, which was completed in 2010. 扩建项目包括一座约5000平方英尺的LEED金牌认证幼儿园建筑. During her time at CNC, 雷切尔领导了与布洛克溪学校的合作,在公立学校系统内创建了一个以自然为基础的幼儿园和一年级.
Rachel serves on the advisory board of the Natural Start Alliance, a professional association supporting nature-based educators. 她还担任委员会成员,撰写自然开始联盟的基于自然的学前教育专业实践指南, 这本书描述了以自然为基础的教育者如何提供安全的课程, effective, and inclusive.
Rachel earned her Ph.D. at Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education; her M.A. in Park and Recreation Administration from Central Michigan University; and her B.S. in Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism, with an emphasis in interpretation, from Colorado State University.
Rachel has been recognized for her work by various organizations including the National Association for Interpretation Region 4’s in 2012 with the “Master Interpretive Manager” recognition; First State Bank’s “RUBY Award” in 2013 for professionals under the age of 40; and Exchange Magazine in 2015 with the “Promising Early Care and Education Leader” award.
*首席梦想家,因为组织中必须有人专注于整体目标, or the WHY, of the work being done.
Dr. Rachel Larimore is an educator, speaker, consultant, and author. 她的工作重点是有意融入自然,通过与自然学习来支持幼儿的全面发展,扩大他们的世界,丰富生活, full lives. As the Chief Visionary of Samara Early Learning, 她帮助教育工作者建立以自然为基础的学校,或者在他们现有的课程中加入以自然为基础的方法. 雷切尔对早期儿童教育的热情和方法很大程度上是受到她自己童年在伊利诺伊州中部家庭农场的树林里玩耍的启发. Of course, 那是几年前的事了,因为她在环境和自然教育领域工作了近30年. This includes starting and, for more than ten years, directing one of the earliest nature-based preschools in the U.S. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Rachel’s books including Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool; Preschool Beyond Walls; and her most recent–Evaluating Natureness.
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Quick facts
→ Location: Midland, Michigan (originally from Illinois)
→ Started Business in: 2018
→ Business Name: Samara Early Learning
→ Membership Name: The Grove
→ Family: Hank the dog (Samara’s Director of Joy)
→ Favorite Hobbies: I love being outside in many different ways (of course), but also knitting, Detroit City Football Club, live music, reading, and…shhh…Hallmark Christmas movies.
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Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool
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Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education & Nature-Based Learning
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